Business Personal Property Insurance

Business Personal Property Insurance For Cannabis Businesses

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Top 3 Recommended Cannabis Policies

By: Jacob Landman

Owner of Carma Cannabis Insurance Agency


In the rapidly expanding world of cannabis businesses, it's crucial to ensure that your business assets are adequately protected. Business Personal Property (BPP) insurance is an essential tool for safeguarding your business's tangible assets, from equipment and inventory to furniture and fixtures. This type of insurance can help your cannabis business recover from financial losses resulting from damage or loss of these assets. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of BPP insurance for cannabis businesses, what it covers, and how to choose the right policy for your business.

Understanding Business Personal Property Insurance

Business Personal Property insurance, often referred to as BPP insurance, is a type of commercial insurance that covers physical assets owned by a business. These assets can range from office furniture and equipment to inventory and supplies. In the context of a cannabis business, this could include growing equipment, product inventory, and even the cannabis plants themselves.

Typically, BPP insurance covers losses resulting from a variety of perils, including fire, theft, vandalism, and certain types of weather damage. However, it's important to note that not all policies are created equal, and coverage can vary significantly from one insurer to another. Therefore, it's crucial to thoroughly review any policy before purchasing to ensure it meets your business's specific needs.

The Importance of BPP Insurance for Cannabis Businesses

Cannabis businesses, like any other businesses, invest a significant amount of money in their tangible assets. For a cannabis business, this could mean expensive growing equipment, high-value inventory, and specialized fixtures and fittings. Without adequate insurance coverage, a single unfortunate event could result in substantial financial losses, potentially threatening the viability of the business.

Moreover, the cannabis industry faces unique risks that make BPP insurance even more critical. For instance, cannabis businesses are often targets for theft due to the high value of their products. Additionally, growing cannabis involves specialized equipment that can be expensive to replace if damaged. BPP insurance can provide a financial safety net in these scenarios, helping your business recover more quickly from a loss.

What Does BPP Insurance Cover?

As mentioned earlier, BPP insurance typically covers losses resulting from a variety of perils. However, the specifics of what is covered can vary depending on the policy and the insurer. Here are some common coverages you might find in a BPP insurance policy for a cannabis business:

Equipment and Machinery

This includes coverage for damage or loss of the equipment and machinery used in your cannabis business. This could range from growing equipment like lighting systems and hydroponic systems to processing equipment like extraction machines and packaging machines.

It's important to note that this coverage typically only applies to equipment and machinery owned by the business. If you lease or rent equipment, you may need to consider additional coverage.


Inventory coverage protects your cannabis business against the loss of your product inventory due to covered perils. This can include both raw materials like cannabis plants and finished products like edibles, oils, and other cannabis products.

Given the high value of cannabis products, this coverage can be particularly important for cannabis businesses. However, it's crucial to accurately value your inventory when purchasing coverage to ensure you have adequate protection.

Furniture and Fixtures

This coverage protects against damage or loss of furniture and fixtures owned by your cannabis business. This can include everything from office furniture to display cases in a retail dispensary.

While this may not be the most significant part of your business assets, it can still represent a substantial investment, particularly for retail businesses with extensive showroom or display areas.

Choosing the Right BPP Insurance for Your Cannabis Business

Choosing the right BPP insurance for your cannabis business involves several key considerations. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Understand Your Business's Specific Needs

Every cannabis business is unique, and so are its insurance needs. A retail dispensary might have different insurance needs than a cultivation operation or a processing facility. Therefore, it's important to thoroughly assess your business's specific risks and assets to determine what coverage is necessary.

For instance, if your business operates in an area prone to certain types of weather events, you may want to ensure your policy covers damage from those events. Similarly, if you have a large amount of high-value inventory, you'll want to ensure your policy provides adequate coverage for that inventory.

Work with an Experienced Insurance Agent

Given the unique risks and regulations associated with the cannabis industry, it's beneficial to work with an insurance agent who has experience in this field. They can help you navigate the complexities of cannabis insurance and ensure you're getting the coverage you need.

An experienced agent can also help you understand the fine print of your policy, including any exclusions or limitations that could affect your coverage. This can help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the event of a claim.

Regularly Review and Update Your Coverage

As your cannabis business grows and evolves, so too will your insurance needs. Regularly reviewing and updating your coverage can help ensure you're always adequately protected.

For instance, if you invest in new equipment or significantly increase your inventory, you may need to adjust your coverage accordingly. Similarly, if you expand your business operations or move to a new location, you may face new risks that require additional coverage.

In conclusion, Business Personal Property insurance is a critical component of risk management for cannabis businesses. By understanding what BPP insurance covers and how to choose the right policy, you can help protect your business's assets and ensure its long-term success.

Other Commercial Insurance Coverage for Cannabis Businesses

Workers Comp Insurance

Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured or ill due to their job. Ensure your workforce is secure and your business complies with regulations.

Commercial Property Insurance

Protect your cannabis property, equipment, and inventory against fire, theft, and natural disasters. Ensure business continuity with comprehensive coverage.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks. Cover costs associated with data recovery, legal fees, and customer notifications.

Product Liability Insurance

Manage legal costs and damages from claims of injury or damage due to defective cannabis products. Essential coverage for consumer protection.

Directors & Officers Insurance

Protect your cannabis business leadership from legal claims and liabilities. Essential coverage for decision-makers in your company. 



Protect your cannabis crops from loss due to natural disasters, pests, and other risks. Ensure your harvest is well-protected.

Legal Liability Insurance

Protect your cannabis business from legal claims related to defective products. Covers recall costs, legal fees, and customer notifications.

Tech E&O


Protect your cannabis tech solutions from errors and omissions claims. Covers legal defense costs and settlements related to tech failures.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Protect your business vehicles against damages and liabilities. Ensure smooth transportation operations with comprehensive coverage.

Employers Liability Insurance

Cover legal defense and settlements for work-related injury claims. Essential protection against employee lawsuits.

Product Recall Expenses Insurance

Cover costs of recalling defective cannabis products, including customer notifications, shipping, and disposal.

Assault & Battery Insurance

Cover incidents of physical assault or battery on your premises. Manage medical expenses, legal fees, and related costs.

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